After Dad's Heart Attack

Friday, April 08, 2005

Four months

I can't think of an appropriate title for this entry!

Dad is out of the hospital!!!!!

After exactly four months, he's finally out! It happened with very little warning--Mom was told this afternoon that there was a bed available at Manor Care (a nursing home in Towson that is able to take patients receiving TPN) and did she want to have him moved today or Monday? Well, today, obviously! They started the ball rolling and made arrangements for an ambulance to come transfer him at 7 p.m.

I got to the hospital around 6:30--it was strange to see Dad in bed with no IV's or monitors of any sort. He said he was excited about getting out, but that he would miss the place (or at least the people and level of care at the hospital) and was also a bit nervous about the move. I was too, to be honest--even though it is a step forward, it also means that he won't have specialists on call all the time, that the nurses won't be as available or attentive, and that any emergency care will require an ambulance ride, not a trip down the hall. Of course, I was nervous about the first move out of CICU and into the main hospital back in January!

7:00 came and the ambulance arrived and the move was made with no complications at all--by 8:00 he was settled into his new room (not a private room--we're so spoiled! And I hope his new roommate's devotion to television abates a bit. The man was up watching t.v. when we arrived and then went to bed, turned the t.v. around and fell asleep watching it. That'll drive Dad nuts pretty quickly!) and his new nurse was checking him over, getting familiar with his history, and making him comfortable. When Mom and I left at 9:00ish, he was settled in for the night and very tired (although they still hadn't started his food or TPN). I think it'll take a few days to get adjusted to the new circumstances, but I hope he very quickly sees more progress in his strength and independence. His physical therapist today said that she thinks that if he works hard, there's no reason why he couldn't regain all of his strength eventually.


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