After Dad's Heart Attack

Friday, April 01, 2005

Steps forward

Thirty five of them, to be precise. Yesterday the physical therapist asked the nurse's help in getting Dad out of bed. In the process, they disconnected him from all his various wires and lines so they figured, what the heck, may as well go for a walk in the hall. Dad took 35 steps on his own (with a walker). He says it isn't progress until he's *really* walking on his own. Sheesh.

Today he took 48 steps down the same hall. If he keeps going, maybe he can make it out the door! ;-) Mom says his heart rate soars during these walks, but settles right back down as soon as he's back in bed. This is hard exercise for him, akin to the rest of us going for a long run, but obviously he's making progress!

His swallowing is also progressing. The speech therapist was encouraged enough by his progress to allow another barium swallow test today. He had so-so results--not a clear pass, but not a clear failure either. They've decided to allow him soft foods and thickened liquids under the supervision of the speech therapist. Yay!


  • At 12:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I hope this latest blog wasn't an April Fool's joke!

    Hurray for the progress!

    Keep going, Richard! :)

    Love and prayers,


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