After Dad's Heart Attack

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Rollin', rollin', rollin'

Dad took a ride in a wheelchair today--down the hall, down the elevator, through the lobby and down to the display of historic dolls in the children's waiting room. Mom said he seemed to enjoy it, but was really tired when he got back to bed! The nurses have all commented on how he seems to be getting stronger--he's moving his legs better (not so noodle-like, one technician said) and he's up to 147 pounds as of today! He's getting a bit of food through the stomach tube, most through TPN, and he'll be getting lipids in his TPN line every other day starting tomorrow.

So now his staph infection is clear, he's successfully getting his metoprolo through his stomach tube, and the only thing keeping him out of rehab is the lack of a bed in any of the facilities! Cross your fingers, toes, and eyes and pray hard that a bed becomes available soon at one of these places (and that no other complications develop in the meanwhile) so that Dad can finally leave the hospital!

Which one of you was it who sent the great card with the picture of all the nurses throwing things and saying ""ake a hike! Get out of here! Beat it!"? The nurses were feeling that way two months ago--imagine how they feel now!


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