After Dad's Heart Attack

Sunday, February 20, 2005

It worked!

After the success with giving Dad his medications through the stomach tube, Dr. Hiatt decided to give it a try with the metoprolo. "I trust you," she said to Mom, having not researched the question of the medication's solubility herself but taking Mom's word for it (through the research done by family and friends who heard of the dilemma). As you can see from the title of this entry, it worked--he absorbed the medication just fine when it was given through the stomach tube and dissolving it in water also worked just fine.

This is a huge leap forward for getting Dad out of the hospital. All of his various infections have cleared up (no more pneumonia, c. diff, urinary tract infection, etc.), he doesn't have to receive any medications through IV, so I think now it's just a matter of getting him off the Foley catheter (draining his bladder; don't think about it too much) and he'll be on his way to rehab!

Keep praying for no more complications and a speedy discharge!


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