After Dad's Heart Attack

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Celebration Dinner!!!

Dad is EATING!!! Yippee!!! In honor of his first meal in 55 days we should all have what he is EATING as I type this - apple juice, some yucky strawberry protein shake and "some kind of meat" consumme. (For those of you who know You Can't Take It With You you will know how appropriate the soup is for him...)

So - finally they did the swallow test for Dad - and OF COURSE he passed. Oh - I really shouldn't say "of course", because there has been nothing "of course" about any of this - but as Katie said - he has been swallowing for a while now - just not officially. Anyway... there is a problem with his CURSED feeding tube. Everything he is eating is going straight out the out tube. This means the darn calories are being wasted! But at least he is getting the pleasure of eating. (I wonder if I can get one of those?)

I am not actually AT the hospital right now - I just spoke to Katie who is there with him. I am just so excited for him I HAD to post.

I am now going to rush home to make a big pot of some kind of meat soup, and mush up some strawberries for dinner!

YIPPPEEEEEE! Keep praying. It seems this was a good STEP FORWARD day - and week! No trache tube and eating! He was sitting in a chair and everything the other day! Before you know it he WILL be on his was to Alaska with me!


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