After Dad's Heart Attack

Friday, January 14, 2005

Great Progress!!

Wow! I just can't believe how much progress has happened in the last week! I see that we have not updated this in a while - and I apologize for that.

Dad has been in his regular room for almost a week now. He also has spent more time awake than asleep which is the BEST thing for us. Katie and I were commenting the other night that when he was in the ICU we hated having to leave if he was awake at all - now we hate having to leave if he is asleep... We don't like not being able to say goodnight and that we will be back. I know he knows - but it is hard to go anyway.

In his new room visiting hours are a lot more flexible. Basically we can visit anytime between 12 and 8pm. We have often stayed beyond that and have not been kicked out. The nurses continue to be really nice on this floor - but they are overworked. The response times are VERY slow - which worries us. I know they know that we are there most of the time - and if it was an emergency we would come get them right away - but what if we aren't there? Are they that slow when we aren't there? It worries us.

We are now shopping for re-hab facilities. We are not sure when Dad will be able to move to the next level... On Wednesday they indicated that it may be next week - but yesterday that was modified again.

Dad had some chest pains yesterday - the initial tests they did showed it to be nothing - but they ran an ekg just to be sure. They also did blood tests throughout the night. The results from the first one came back normal. It was probably just indigestion... Mom stayed at the hospital last night just to make sure all was well.

He has been having problems with his eye(s) - mostly just one. We have been giving him drops and using a hot cloth on them. The doctor seems to think it is just a touch of conjunctivitis. You know - this along with the C-diff seems just to be adding insult to injury. Isn't it bad enough that he has had a heart attack, stroke, and stubborn pneumonia? Does he have to have diarrhea and itchy eyes on top of it??? Sigh.

Again, the progress Dad has made in the past week has been phenomenal! It is easy to forget at this point how scared we were just two weeks ago. But it is still not over. I will not rest easy until he is WELL ESTABLISHED in his re-hab program - or even out of it completely!

Again, thanks for all of you support and prayers. That is what has brought us this far!


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