After Dad's Heart Attack

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

From the horse's mouth

Hey all!

I started to write this about a week ago - but didn't make much progress... I am not sure what is relavant or not anymore so I will leave it all here... The interesting stuff is in the second paragraph anyway.

Once again we have been neglecting you with updates on Dad's progress. Unfortunately, there isn't a lot to tell. He is still struggeling to maintain his nutrition. He has been receiving 65cc of stuff (hospital grade Ensure basically) an hour. BUT he also has had the pump running off and on to drain off the excess to keep the queasyness at bay. The other day we were all excited because the GI doctor told Dad that he had a "plan." Well! Plan is not a word we have heard all that often from them - so we couldn't wait to hear what it was... The next day we found out that the PLAN was to give him a little bit less nutrition to see how much he can tolerate and drain off the excess. They would watch that for a little while and see how he is doing. SOME PLAN! What the heck have they been doing all of this time!??! Mom and I are hoping that that wasn't the REAL plan - and that the real one would be revealed to us soon!

So - I happened to mention to Dad about how sick he was of being in the hospital (no pun intended...) He said OH YES! This was on Valentine's Day for anyone who is date tracking or anything. He then said "I would believe it if they told me I had a heart attack - what I can't believe is the magnatude of the attack." I agreed with him. I again told him that I would have given him Tums and a glass of water. He said that he knew at the time it was different. He said "You hear about pressure in your chest. It wasn't pressure - It felt like there was a block of wood inside my chest." I thought that was interesting - and I said that it WAS kind of like that. I told him what amazed ME was how strong he was through the whole process. He was awake and lucid up to the time that they wheeled him into surgery. I said I would have thought that for the nature of his event he would have fallen down or passed out or something - but the whole time he was doing the right things and giving the right answers. THEN - even after his surgery he was stronger than anyone would have expected. I told him the story of making the kisses to us all in ICU and then how he "was telling jokes with his toes" - when Katie told him he needed a pedicure. He was VERY interested in all of this and asked if it was all written down here in the blog. I told him it was - and he would be able to read the whole story himself soon...

It was so neat hearing HIS side of the story.

AGAIN - keep up the prayers! They are needed and appreciated!


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