Wow! It has been almost a month since any of us have updated the blog. I am SO sorry! Well, for those of you that are still diligently checking up on us here I am pleased to report that we are all diligently slogging ahead in re-hab. Well, Dad is doing most of the work.
It has been a quiet week (month) here at Lake Manor Care. Really quiet. But Dad is doing really well. Several weeks ago the staff set a possible date of Memorial Day for Dad to get sprung. We thought that was rather ambious - and we were right. What is holding Dad up now is NOT his health (he is - as I said - doing great!) but his darn bed sore.
They have had him on a pump to drain his wound for several weeks now. That seems to be doing the trick. The wound care specialist says it looks excellant and they hope they can remove the pump this weekend. This is good news because the pump (while doing a good job) has been a pain in the butt (pun intended) all along. It gets in the way of getting him up and moving him around. But we persist.
Dad is, I must say, one of the more energetic guests at re-hab. Instead of sitting in the hall in his wheel chair - you are more apt to see him cruising around on his walker, "running" laps on the second floor. (Or you will find him napping in bed having exhausted himself on his walker.) Today his therapist had him playing catch with Mom - and, more impressively, batting a balloon around while standing. He lost his balance once, but otherwise was standing on his own. He says he is feeling stronger and he has gained a good amount of weight (I think he is in the mid 150s now).
We hope he will be coming home soon. They practiced getting him in and out of a car today. In was easy, out was harder. They say he may be able to go home for a visit next weekend - and I hope for good shortly after that!
It has been a long haul, but we are getting there!