After Dad's Heart Attack

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Mom's update from today

Richard had a good day today, praise God. They gave him two units of blood last night and again this morning (Amy said he needed some blood in his medicine stream)..They have pumped him full of fluid so he looks bloated, but his blood pressure is up to a more normal level and this afternoon his heart rate stabilized at a perfect 70--his pacemaker is in control again. His oxygen support is down from 75% to 50%, so all they have to deal with right now is "a really bad pneumonia" according to today's nurse. It is a kind of pneuomina that is responsive to antibiotics, so of course he is being treated with them.

He woke up pretty much a couple of times today and was able to nod his head in response to a few questions, and seemed to understand his blueberry plants arrived yesterday when I told him. He is restrained so he won't pull out his tubes, but his nurse undid them for a while.

Not much more to tell today. I spent about 8 hours at the hospital, and the waiting room is getting old. I did go outside a couple of times to use my cell phone, and it was beautiful and in the 70"s. I have managed to finish "The Great Gatsby" for my OLLI book club and tomorrow I will reread "The #1Ladies' Detective Agency".

I enjoy chatting with other families in the waiting room. There is a couple from Maine whose son got drunk a couple of weeks ago and got in a fight in a bar. He was ejected from the bar, and vomited and aspirated. He was "code" when they got him to the hospital. He is 22 and a senior at Towson University, and they are worried about him having to do another semester to make up time. The father is a redhead ... He (the father) plays the bagpipes and the parents were scheduled to leave for a trip to Scotland. They didn't get trip insurance
because they thought, "What could stop us?" They are a very nice couple. Their son is improving and they are trying to wean him gradually from the drugs they have had him on.

Then there is a lovely African American lady whose 21 year old daughter was hospitalized with a virus and nearly died, but she is finally off the respirator. So hopefully their stories will have a happy ending.

Thank you all for your prayers, and keep them coming! I know they are helping.


  • At 12:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Mary & all,
    Thanks for the update. So happy to hear that he is making some progress. I will continue to pray for a quick recovery.
    Love, Mary Therese


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