Day One
The real beginning of this whole event was about two weeks ago, when Dad experienced some minor chest pains. Mom suggested he call the doctor, but the pains faded quickly, and he decided not to worry about it. Then late in the afternoon on December 8, as he was preparing to install a laminate floor in Amy and Katie's house, the chest pains started again, much more severe. The paramedics were called and arrived quickly (one running across the lawn from within the neighborhood, shoes still untied), and they took him to the closest hospital that could handle an attack like this, Sinai Hospital. At the hospital they started him on blood thinners and did a catheterization to see what they could learn. Dad was conscious and able to provide them with all the information they needed. Mom called me in the middle of the procedure.
Sarah and I both post to some online boards, so I can at least track my first few days through my posts. Here's the first, right after I heard from my mother, around 6:30 on 12/8/2004:
Please pray for my father! He had a heart attack this evening! He's 76 but I forget that that's supposed to be old, because he lives like he's young and he seems so healthy. But this afternoon he started having chest pains. They got him to the hospital pretty early on and that saved him, but they say it's a pretty severe one. He was conscious and in good spirits despite all that, so that's a good thing. He's undergoing a catheterization right now and there's a chance his heart could stop. I can't stop crying, I'm so scared for my daddy. Please pray for him.
Sarah and I both post to some online boards, so I can at least track my first few days through my posts. Here's the first, right after I heard from my mother, around 6:30 on 12/8/2004:
Please pray for my father! He had a heart attack this evening! He's 76 but I forget that that's supposed to be old, because he lives like he's young and he seems so healthy. But this afternoon he started having chest pains. They got him to the hospital pretty early on and that saved him, but they say it's a pretty severe one. He was conscious and in good spirits despite all that, so that's a good thing. He's undergoing a catheterization right now and there's a chance his heart could stop. I can't stop crying, I'm so scared for my daddy. Please pray for him.
At 11:44 PM,
Dad's family said…
This is Amy posting now... Mom asked the cardiologist about the chest pain from the previous week and she said it was unlikely that it WAS an indication of what was to come. She said things like this are almost impossible to predict. The pain that came and went for Dad was probably unrelated - but there was no way of knowing. What might have been a better indicator was the fact that he had been more tired than usual the previous couple of days.
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